Initially there were 504 Buddha statues in Borobudur. Unfortunately, now there are only some 300 left. Also, most are in broken condition. However, it does not disturb the grandeur of Borobudur as a whole. Borobudur is still the greatest Buddhist monument on earth.
Arah mata angin : Utara
Nama mudra : Abhaya-mudra
Bentuk mudra
Tangan kiri terbuka dan menengadah dipangkuan, sedang tangan kanan diangkat sedikit diatas lutut sebelah kanan dengan telapak menghadap kemuka.
Facing North.
Abhaya in Sanskrit means fearlessness. Thus this mudra symbolizes protection, peace, and the dispelling of fear. It is made with the right hand raised and the palm of the hand facing outward. The left hand rests on the feet.
Arah mata angin : Timur
Nama mudra : Bhumisparsa-mudra
Bentuk Mudra
Tangan kiri menengadah di atas pangkuan, sedang tangan kanan menempel pada lutut kanan dengan (telapak menengadah kebawah/menelungkup) jari menunjuk kebawah.
Facing East.
Literally Bhumisparsha translates into 'touching the earth'. It is more commonly known as the 'earth witness' mudra. This mudra, formed with all five fingers of the right hand extended to touch the ground, symbolizes the Buddha's enlightenment under the bodhi tree, when he summoned the earth goddess, Sthavara, to bear witness to his attainment of enlightenment. The right hand, placed upon the right knee in earth-pressing mudra, and complemented by the left hand-which is held flat in the lap in the dhyana mudra of meditation.
Arah mata angin : Selatan
Nama mudra : Wara-mudra
Bentuk Mudra
Tangan kiri terbuka dan menengadah dipangkuan, sedang tangan kanan menempel pada lutut kanan menengadah ke arah atas.
Facing South.
This mudra symbolizes charity, compassion and boon-granting. It is the mudra of the accomplishment of the wish to devote oneself to human salvation. It is made with the palm of the open hand facing forward, and the fingers extended.
Arah mata Angin : Barat
Nama mudra : Dhyana-mudra
Bentuk Mudra
Kedua tangan kanan diletakkan dipangkuan, yang kanan diatas yang kiri, dengan telapak kanan menengadah dan kedua jempolnya saling bertemu.
Facing West.
This meditation mudra shows both hands are placed on the lap. The right hand is placed above the left, with the palms facing upwards, and the fingers extended.
Arah mata angin : Pusat
Nama mudra : Witarka-mudra
Bentuk Mudra
Tangan kiri terbuka di atas pangkuan dan tangan kanan sedikit terangkat di atas lutut kanan dengan telapak menghadap ke muka dan jari telunjuknya menyentuh ibu jari.
The gesture of discussion and debate indicates communication and an explanation of the Dharma. The tips of the thumb and index finger touch, forming a circle. All other fingers are extended upwards.
HAPPY VESAK 2554 Buddhist Era.
May all beings be happy!